Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Komoditi No. 427/BAPPEBTI/SI/VII/2004
Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (BBJ) No. SPAB-056/BBJ/12/03
Indonesian Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (ICDX) No. 042/SPKB/ICDX/Dir/IX/2010
Kliring Berjangka Indonesia No. 27/AK-KBI/IX/2004
Indonesia Clearing House (ICH) No. 055/SPKK/ICH-IPPF/VII/2017
Forex trading, Binary Options and CFDs carries a high level of risk and may lead to loss of some or all of your investment (deposit). High degree of leverage obtained in Forex and CFD trading to work against you as well as to work for you. You should not invest money that you can not afford to lose. If you have any doubt, you should seek advice from a licensed financial advisor and independent suite. You should also ensure that you have enough time to manage your investments actively. InterPan does not provide investment advice and the information provided here is intended for marketing purposes only and should not be relied upon as investment advice. Any indication of past performance of a financial instrument is not a reliable indicator of the performance of current and / or future financial instruments. Please read carefully the terms and conditions and Risk Disclosure before making any transaction.
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